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Several sources are used: CRAN's database to check packages files and versions, CRAN's volunteers actions for when packages are archived or removed and CRAN's comments to fill in the gaps.




A data.frame with the information to recreate CRAN at any point before today.


#> function () 
#> {
#>     archive <- save_state("cran_archive", cran_archive())
#>     actions <- save_state("cran_actions", cran_actions())
#>     comments <- save_state("cran_comments", cran_comments())
#>     archive$Date <- strftime(archive$Datetime, "%F")
#>     archive$Time <- strftime(archive$Datetime, "%T")
#>     dup_arch <- duplicated(archive[, c("Package", "Version")])
#>     arch <- archive[!dup_arch, ]
#>     m0 <- merge(actions, arch, all = TRUE, by = c("Version", 
#>         "Package"), sort = FALSE, suffixes = c("", ".archive"))
#>     m0$moment <- datetime2POSIXct(m0$Date, m0$Time)
#>     m0 <- sort_by(m0, ~Package + moment + Action)
#>     k4 <- m0$Action == "publish" & m0$Date > m0$Date.archive & 
#>         !$Date) & !$Date.archive)
#>     dup_a <- duplicated(m0[, c("Package", "Version", "Action")])
#>     k4[dup_a] <- FALSE
#>     m0$Date[k4] <- m0$Date.archive[k4]
#>     m0$Time[k4] <- m0$Time.archive[k4]
#>     m0$moment <- datetime2POSIXct(m0$Date, m0$Time)
#>     m0 <- sort_by(m0, ~Package + moment + Action)
#>     wo_version <- which($Version))
#>     diff_pkg <- m0$Package[wo_version] == m0$Package[(wo_version - 
#>         1)]
#>     k2 <- m0$Action[wo_version] == "archive" & m0$Action[(wo_version - 
#>         1)] == "publish"
#>     m0$Version[wo_version[diff_pkg & k2]] <- m0$Version[(wo_version[diff_pkg & 
#>         k2] - 1)]
#>     wov <- wo_version[!k2]
#>     p <- m0$Package[wov]
#>     off_by_year <- abs(m0$Date[wov] - m0$Date[wov - 1]) == 365L
#>     m0 <- m0[-na.omit(wov[off_by_year]), ]
#>     published <- actions[actions$Action == "publish", , drop = FALSE]
#>     published$Action <- NULL
#>     colnames(published)[1:3] <- paste0(colnames(published)[1:3], 
#>         ".Pub")
#>     archived <- m0[m0$Action == "archive", c("Date", "Time", 
#>         "User", "Version", "Package"), drop = FALSE]
#>     colnames(archived)[1:3] <- paste0(colnames(archived)[1:3], 
#>         ".Arch")
#>     m <- merge(published, archived, all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
#>     m$Pub.Date <- datetime2POSIXct(m$Date.Pub, m$Time.Pub)
#>     m$Arch.Date <- datetime2POSIXct(m$Date.Arch, m$Time.Arch)
#>     m <- sort_by(m, ~Package + Pub.Date + Arch.Date)
#>     lapply(unique(m$package), function(i, data) {
#>         p <- data[data$Package == i, , drop = FALSE]
#>         if (nrow(p) <= 1) {
#>             return(p)
#>         }
#>         arch_i <- which(!$Date.Arch))
#>         p$Date.Arch[-nrow(p)] <- p$Date.Pub[-1]
#>     }, data = m)
#>     m$Date.Arch
#>     m$Date.Pub[-1]
#>     removed <- actions[actions$Action == "remove", , drop = FALSE]
#>     removed$Action <- NULL
#>     colnames(removed)[1:3] <- paste0(colnames(removed)[1:3], 
#>         ".rm")
#>     m2 <- merge(m, removed, all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
#>     m2$rm.Date <- datetime2POSIXct(m2$Date.rm, m2$Time.rm)
#>     m2
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x560aa3627f48>
#> <environment:>