Search the DESCRIPTION file for the release dates of dependencies and return the earliest date according to CRAN's archive. This is the date at which the package could be installed.
- pkg
Path to the package folder or name of the package published.
- which
a character vector listing the types of dependencies, a subset of
c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances")
. Character string"all"
is shorthand for that vector, character string"most"
for the same vector without"Enhances"
, character string"strong"
(default) for the first three elements of that vector.
A vector with the datetimes of the published package (or current date if not published) and the datetime the required restrictions were met.
Currently this function assumes that packages only use ">=" and not other operators. This might change on the future if other operators are more used.
#> Retrieving repos_dependencies, this might take a bit.
#> Next call will be faster.
#> Published deps_available
#> "2019-09-20 07:40:07 CEST" "2019-08-10 22:30:20 CEST"
#> Published deps_available
#> "2017-10-24 09:43:24 CEST" "2017-07-30 10:08:28 CEST"
package_date("Seurat") # Dependencies on packages not on CRAN
#> Published deps_available
#> "2025-01-24 06:50:07 CET" "2025-01-23 16:40:20 CET"
package_date("afmToolkit") # Dependency was removed from CRAN
#> Warning: Package's dependencies archive were removed from CRAN after package publication: minpack.lm
#> Published deps_available
#> "2017-04-03 15:30:50 CEST" "2017-04-01 22:55:38 CEST"